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Town Board Agenda 3-2-16
Town Board Meeting
March 2, 2016
7:00 PM

  • Invocation
  • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
  • Roll Call
  • Town Council Reports
  • A public hearing to be held at 7:00PM or as soon thereafter as can be reached to hear all persons interested in a proposed Local Law to amend Section 195-17 of Chapter 195 of the Code of the Town of Glenville to provide regulations for the use of town dog parks.
  • Privilege of the Floor
  • Supervisor’s Comments to the Board
  • Resolution naming the parcel of land commonly known as the Andersen property “Andersen Park”
  • Resolution adopting a Local Law to amend Section 195-17 of Chapter 195 of the Code of the Town of Glenville to provide regulations for the use of town dog parks.
  • Resolution provisionally appointing Jeffery Prescott to the position of Deputy Comptroller.
  • Resolution authorizing the Supervisor to enter into separate agreements with Baptist Health and Schenectady County in relation to mitigation of sewer discharge violations.
  • Resolution authorizing the Supervisor to enter into an agreement with Bonadio & Co., LLP, 6 Wembley Court, Albany, NY to provide the audit of the Town’s general purpose financial statements.
  • Resolution adopting the Schenectady County Hazard Mitigation Plan.
  • Motion to enter Executive Session to discuss.
  • New Business